Artificial Intelligence in Human Experience Management (HXM)

When I ask people if they are familiar with Artificial Intelligence (AI), I often get a positive response but the answer is usually in the context of movies and entertainment. Some great examples exist, Ex machina and WestWorld to name a few but for the normal masses the common understanding of the use of artificial intelligence usually involves a robot or an army of robots trying to take over the world.

When I tell people that I am researching Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning in the context of Human Capital Management (HCM) they often give me a strange look followed by a question if I am building robots to replace Human Resources professionals. That’s an easy no, although there are some functions that HCM professionals can leverage to better do their job and be more efficient with their time leveraging technology including AI. Let’s start there with a basic definition of Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is a technology that enables a machine to simulate human behavior. The simplest example of this is a chatbot. You have seen these pop up on on screens from all types of websites offering to help you, including SAP, see sample below.

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